Getting started

The use of the term ‘compost’ to describe the process and output of Closed Loop composters is used in accordance with the Oxford Dictionary definition of compost as “decayed organic material used as a fertiliser for growing plants”. The NSW EPA applies a more specific definition of compost – “a process of managed biological transformation: (a) to achieve pasteurisation; and (b) for a period of not less than a total of 6 weeks of composting and curing at an adequate moisture level (>40% by weight), and/or until an equivalent level of biological stability can be demonstrated.” The Closed Loop CLO composters process food waste in 24 hours so do not meet the definition of compost in NSW.

Anything we, as humans, can consume (raw or cooked) can be composted in the machine. This includes leftovers, fruits, vegetables, soft seafood and meats (small bones are allowed). There are some exceptions: see 'what cannot be put into the composter' for more.

Large bones, hard seafood shells, oils, plastic, tissues, garden waste (i.e. grass, sticks), glass, metal, food containers and packaging (certified compostable products are allowed if under 10% of total daily weight capacity) can potentially lead to damage and malfunction. If you are unsure, we encourage to dispose of the item in general waste to prevent potential damage or contacting your Closed Loop service manager. See 'What can I put in the commercial composter?' for more.

Only soft seafood shells can be put into the machine such as shrimp, prawn, lobster and crab. Do not put oysters, scollops or abalone shells in the composter as this may cause damage and malfunction.

Small sized bones can be put into the machine (e.g. chicken bones, fish bones). Do not put large animal bones such as pork, lamb or beef bones in the composter as this may cause damage and malfunction.

Yes, under some circumstances. a) The compostable product needs to be certified compostable product – Australian Standard AS4736 or AS5810. Please note that these products will take longer than 48 hours to compost. b) Compostable product input should also be no more than 10% of daily capacity and should be shredded prior to being added to the unit. Please note that Closed Loop do not guarantee a satisfactory compost result from these inputs.

Since there is no crushing or grinding taking place during the operation, no harm will be caused to the compost or the machine. However, the heat from the machine will cause plastic to deform and potentially release undesired substances into the compost, hence we recommend strict segregation of compostable and non-compostable items to avoid such instances. Serious contamination levels may lead to machine damage.

Our commercial composters are designed for food waste only, do not put any garden waste i.e. grass, sticks, branches or trimming in the composter.

Our nutrient-rich compost is a great addition to any horticulture application such as in gardens, farms, or potted plants. If compost will be used directly from the composter, we recommend a mix of 10:1 (soil:compost), as our nutrient-rich compost is highly concentrated. We also offer a compost pick-up service, contact us for more information. Your nutrient-rich compost can also be shared with locals through ShareWaste Please refer to the Closed Loop compost user guide for further information as well as the Closed Loop Resource Recovery Exemption if you are in NSW.

Just like composts, mulches and fertilisers that can be purchased from your local nursery or garden supplier, the composted material from your machine should be treated with the same care as these also contain micro-organisms. 1. Wear a mask when handling 2. Wear gloves when handling 3. Wash hands immediately after use

Our CLO composters do not product harmful discharge or gas. Our CLO composters mimic the natural composting process that is accelerated via agitation, airflow and microbes. The process is aerobic and does not produce dangerous gases like methane.

Our nutrient-rich compost is not harmful to humans or animals. Harmful bacterias are removed during pasteurisation and has been tested to Australian Standard AS4454 – 2012.

Support services

The CLO-10 unit requires single phase power and all other CLO units in the range require 3-phase power.

Along with power, the CLO composters need a covered, clear and level area with the ability to have a vent plumbed to atmosphere (open air) or to an existing air extraction system.

Choose your CLO composter based on the number of kilograms of food waste you generate each day. This is referred to the input capacity - if you produce ~100kg of food waste per day, then the CLO-50 will suit your needs. If you produce more than 200kg of food waste per day, contact us for custom composting solutions.

On average, your nutrient-rich compost will need to be unloaded from the composter once a week. We strongly recommend a weekly “harvest” of compost routine so that input capacity is not compromised.

Our CLO composters come with a proprietary starter material pack with microbes that will regenerate themselves continuously during the composting process. Following a repair or major shut down, it may be necessary to re-inoculate. This may be achieved with a new starter or compost from another CLO composter.

No, CLO composters have small hose fitting where condensation will drain from, however this does not need to be connected to a sewer or waste water system.

Yes they can. CLO composters can be installed outdoors although needs to be under cover to avoid any direct rain or sunlight.

Yes, we provide composter maintenance services.

Contact us

All enquiries
If you are unsure, please provide rough estimate on how many individuals you serve/d or /wk. We will not be able to assist if you do not provide estimates on your food waste.
What is the address for the commercial composter?
What is the address for the commercial composter?
Include size, budget, timelines, other building materials and specs known at this time and other relevant information
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