Veneziano Coffee Roasters
Veneziano Coffee Roasters is a Melbourne based coffee roaster with 5 cafes Australia-wide. Sustainability is at the core of Veneziano’s mission. Through coffee cup recycling with Simply Cups, coffee ground recycling with ReGround, Veneziano Coffee Roasters also manage their organic production and cafe waste with a Closed Loop commercial composter, helping them exceed their 75% waste diversion rate goal.
Thanks to their commercial composter and other food waste composting programs, Veneziano were able to increase the of waste composted from 2020 to 2021. Veneziano were also able to decrease % landfill waste by 24%.
% waste to landfill (2020 vs. 2021)
% waste composted (2020 vs. 2021)
Compost from their commercial composter is sent to their local potato supplier, Spud Sisters, a true example of how Veneziano are committed to closing the loop.
With easy installation and thorough training and support, the commercial composter has been well received by all staff members. Veneziano started with one composter at their cafe in Richmond and through the initiative of their head chef, have installed another commerical composter at their Brisbane cafe.
Veneziano did not install a commercial composter for financial benefit, and so have not tracked the cost benefits of installing the commercial composter, however, for them, general waste is generally more expensive than composting via the composter. So, there is an assumed long-term financial benefit.
"I don't have to think about - it just runs itself!"
Nick Percy, Sustainability Manager
Veneziano Coffee Roasters - Richmond
Focused on sustainability
See their Sustainability Report here.

Collecting food waste from their cafe

Commercial composter
Veneziano have a commercial composter installed at two of their venues.

Closed Loop system
Compost from their commercial composter in Richmond is sent to Spud Sisters, their local potato supplier.

Carbon Neutral Organization
In March 2022, they became a Carbon Neutral Organization.

Recycling coffee cups
Encouraging customers to recycle their single-use takeaway coffee cups with Simply Cups.

Renewable energy
Veneziano are proudly using 100% renewable energy.