Rapid waste and resource assessments

Many consultants will encourage you to undertake an expensive waste audit to establish a baseline from which to launch your circular economy (or zero waste) projects.

Closed Loop has undertaken waste audits for many clients across diverse industries over the past 20+ years. What we have learned is that waste audits are expensive and of limited value. They are resource intensive, involve health and safety challenges, are operationally disruptive and only provide a snapshot of what was is in your bins over the last few days.

Instead, Closed Loop has developed an approach that more rapidly arrives at a set of practical recommendations, that are practical and achievable and are accompanied by cost-benefit analyses.

Our approach

By understanding how your business works, and what your objectives are, Closed Loop will create a bespoke waste assessment, specific to your needs. Our waste assessments are performed in three phases:

  • Pre-site
  • On-site and
  • Post-site.

Our waste and resource assessments will consider current waste and recycling services, interviews with key personnel, current processes, regular and irregular waste outputs and current data on recording, monitoring and reporting.

Our waste and resource assessments are designed to be stand-alone, complete pieces of work. The recommendations will be formulated in such a way that the customer will be able to implement the actions themselves.

Closed Loop can also implement recommendations if required and other services.

Our waste assessments and implementation clients

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Enquire with our Waste Assessment specialists

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